Offered by Sister Marie Vittetoe CHM
Dear God of Love, we ask you for the strength and energy to serve you by showing our love for your people. “Love one another, as I love you.”
John 15: 12
May we be moved to fulfill your Will by the words we read in the Gospel, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”?
Matthew 25:40
Teach us to teach others to help themselves, rather than always “knowing all the answers and doing for them.” In humility, let us learn from the poor how to reduce our needs and share our abundance without self-gratification.
Let us learn from the Haitian people how to praise and bless your name, even in hardship. Thank you Lord, for the many talented volunteers who see your Face in those who need them. And bless all the faithful supporters who surround us every day in many ways.
Sister Marie Vittetoe, was the Volunteer HSC Laboratory Consultant/Advisor/Teacher/Procurator 2000-2011. She lives in Iowa City, where Haiti is ever on her mind and in her heart.