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Maxillofacial Surgery in Milot: Restoring Hope, Resurrecting the True Person

The healing that our patients experience today can become the seeds of hope for a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. Read More

When Socio-Economic and Health Factors in Haiti Combine to Kill

For about 22 days prior to admission, he had noted abdominal distention, fever, abdominal pain and symptoms of dehydration. He had never been hospitalized before and little was known of his medical history. Read More

Milot Children Learn to Grow Vegetables

Leave it to CRUDEM’s amazing Sister Ann to find another way to encourage preventative healthcare and a bit of economic sustainability in Milot. Her newest project: teaching children to grow vegetables. Read More

Holy Name Photo Galleries

Holy Name Medical Center's Media Specialist, Jeff Rhode, has taken many photos of Hôpital Sacré Coeur and the people of Milot, Haiti. Read More

Behind the Lens in Milot, Haiti

Photographing people in a foreign country presents many unique challenges that can be confusing to a photographer. Read More

Letter from the Chairman – Winter 2014

On this fourth anniversary of the devastating earthquake which rocked the country I would have to say that while all this may be true for the vast majority of the country, the staff at... Read More

Add Meaning to Your Life: Create a Healthier Haiti

When you donate to CRUDEM in support of Hôpital Sacré Coeur, you give someone, who just happened to be born in a low resource country, the chance to have a life. Read More

Social Links

Here’s a list of places you can connect with The CRUDEM Foundation and Hôpital Sacré Coeur through social media.

Spiritual Reflections

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Prayers From the Clergy

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