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Thank you!! Institute for Technology in Health Care

The patients and staff of Hôpital Sacré Coeur are deeply grateful to the Institute for Technology in Health Care for their generous 2021 grant of $56,616.00 to fund the completion of Phase 1 of... Read More

Cryptocurrency Donations Now Accepted!

We are pleased to announce that cryptocurrency donations are now accepted. As you may know, more and more of the financial markets incorporate cryptocurrency as an option for transactional payments. Currently the US has... Read More

Make a Cryptocurrency Donation!

Make a life-changing difference with a cryptocurrency donation

Donating is easy! Three short steps on the widget on the left.

1. Choose the... Read More

A Remarkable 2021

Once again, in the face of profound medical and national challenges, Hôpital Sacré Coeur pulled through with flying colors. While remaining vigilant and prudently cautious, we all seem to be breathing easier — and... Read More

A Country in Crisis… A Hospital Culture of Resilience

While Haiti spins as a country in crisis, Hôpital Sacré Coeur stands solidly as an institution of resilience and a port of hope and stability for patients and communities in the Milot region. The... Read More

Divine Light in Darkness

In yet another year overpacked with intense changes, deep grief, and ongoing uncertainties, a personal pause to spotlight some bright moments that also occurred in your life seems in order.

As John 1:5 reminds us:

“The... Read More