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Could you sing praises while standing in a pile of rubble that was once your home?

We honor and salute the indomitable spirit of the Haitian people who continually rise above the direst circumstances, the relentless struggles, repeated natural disasters and wave after wave of national and international bureaucratic disappointments... Read More

Volunteer Ronald Garabed, CRNA, at Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti

Nurse Anesthetist, Ronald Garabed, talks about his first volunteer trip to Hôpital Sacré Coeur in March 2012. Read More

Nurse Volunteer Kim Baker Talks about Her Experiences Volunteering at Hôpital Sacré Coeur

Nurse Volunteer Kim Baker Talks about Her Recent Mission to Hôpital Sacré Coeur in March 2012. Read More

Ronald Garabed, CRNA, Talks About His Experiences as a First-Time HSC Volunteer

Nurse Anesthetist, Ronald Garabed from New Jersey, tells us about his experiences during his first trip to Milot, Haiti in March 2012 to volunteer with his team at Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Read More

Tropical Storm Isaac Takes Deadly Aim at Haiti

Tropical Storm Issac's Most Lethal Bullets Will Be An Increase In Cholera. Read More

In Memory of Joselene Cilien

With heavy hearts and deep sadness, we report the tragic death of Joselene Cilien. Read More

A Prayer for the People of Haiti

A Prayer for the People of Haiti, offered by Rev. Joseph M. Soranno. Read More

The Best Feature of Milot, Haiti: Her Children!

This video features Haiti's greatest feature: The Children! Always dancing, singing, smiling, and learning, the beautiful children of Milot inspire and remind us all to keep their spirits in our hearts. Read More

Focus on Milot, Haiti: Haitian Vendors and Art

Outside Hôpital Sacré Coeur, you can see all sorts of artists and vendors selling their paintings, wood crafts, and other goods. Read More

Focus on Milot, Haiti: The Streets of Milot

In this video (which has been sped up) you can see a typical day of people walking, motorbiking and riding on tap-taps to get where they have to go around town! Read More