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Haiti mission January 15 – 23, 2010

This is the chronology of our medical mission to Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake. Read More

Carolyn Cordtz, RN – 2010 Earthquake Blog

Omg what a day. This place is amazing. They have really stepped it up to take care of all these people. Read More

The Cordtz Family of Atlanta, Georgia

Since the earthquake of January 2010, the Cordtz family has become very involved with Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Days after the disaster, Sheila Kearney Cordtz was asked by fellow Malta member, Hope Carter, to help... Read More

Awakening Hearts: Three Months as a Volunteer Nurse Leader

I first started volunteering at CRUDEM after the January 2010 earthquake. It was my first experience working as a volunteer nurse, my first experience working in a developing country, and my first experience doing... Read More

A Week in the Life of a Long Term CRUDEM Volunteer

My name is Ted Hodges, and I am working for six months as a long-term volunteer at CRUDEM. Read More

Partnering for Empowerment

While the daily distractions and irritations of life can chip away at people’s spirits, the full blown tragedies often suck the very life right out of them. Read More

The Birth of a Calling

The tiny hospital, nestled in a crib of possibilities and fed with the best dreams of its international mix of parents, challenged the daunting tempest of environmental, political and social threats that hovered about... Read More

The Gift of Magdalene

One of six children, Magdalene lives in suffocating, extreme poverty with her parents, five siblings and blind grandparents. If you have visited Haiti, you can imagine her world. Read More

Haitian-American Nurse Midwife Gives Back to Hôpital Sacré Coeur

Haiti is my home- the land of my ancestors. Although my family and I emigrated to the United States in 1994, the vibrant memories of my wonderful childhood there still resonate with me. Read More

Burn Care at Hôpital Sacré Coeur

Caring for burned patients is a challenge, even in the most advanced burn centers around the world. Infection, wound healing, pain management, nutritional support and physical therapy are all essential components of the healing... Read More