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The First Earthquake Patient

The earthquake drastically altered his course. Like too many others in Port au Prince, Watson found himself amidst the street rubble. His brother was dead and Watson barely clung to life. Read More

A Team of Many Differences Unites to Save a Life

In Haiti the decision to live or die often depends upon seemingly simple things, such as the availability of an antibiotic to administer to a patient, or the availability of oxygen for a patient... Read More

The Challenges of Physiotherapy in Haiti

Historically, the need for education and services to improve healthcare in Haiti has been overshadowed by a lack of valuable resources; resources depleted through a string of political struggles and natural disasters. Read More

Women’s Health Services at Hôpital Sacré Coeur

The vast majority of women in Haiti give birth under deplorable conditions without medical care. The attendant at the birth is usually a village elder or lay person with some personal experience in... Read More

Medicine without the Nonsense: Practicing Medicine in Haiti

It is liberating to practice medicine without worrying about billing, procedure and diagnostic codes, utilization review, pre-certification of tests and other third-party intrusions on your relationships with patients. You are there simply to help,... Read More

The Volunteers at the Hôpital Sacré Coeur

The post-earthquake period revealed a reality which daily operations has a tendency to, if not conceal, at least minimize: the success of Hôpital Sacré Coeur is not only national, but has reached foreign shores. Read More

The High Impact of Volunteering at Hôpital Sacré Coeur

CRUDEM’s Hôpital Sacré Coeur is so grateful to all of the dedicated and committed volunteers who have come to give of their time, talents and resources over the past 24 years. Read More

Cement Mixer Makes Work Flow

With so many concrete dependent projects on tap, Hôpital Sacré Coeur insisted upon producing a designed mix which would withstand the rigors of its environment. Read More

Hôpital Sacré Coeur Receives New Truck!

Hôpital Sacré Coeur gained significant forward motion in its construction timeline with this summer’s addition of a Daihatsu Delta Tipper truck, thus preserving the precious dollars entrusted to us by our donors. Read More

Construction Update: Your Funds at Work

With the full support of CRUDEM’s Board of Directors, the building committee has begun the task of completing some key projects within the next few months to meet the needs of an ever-growing healthcare... Read More