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Haitian Midwife Video

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Recently,the most frequently asked question is" What is Hopital Sacre Coeur's plan for the future". Read More


I've decreased my updates to weekly because the acute phase of this catastrophe has ended. However the catastrophe continues and in many ways is worse than the acute phase. Read More
The CRUDEM Foundation

Appeal Letter March ’09

Last week I traveled a new route to Haiti. For the first time in my almost two decades of travel to the hospital, I opted to go through Turks & Caicos instead of my... Read More
The CRUDEM Foundation

Appeal Letter December ’08

Recently, a first time visitor to Hôpital Sacré Coeur announced with great conviction, “We don’t need to bring the United States to Haiti and make that country like our own. We just need to... Read More

Appeal Letter March ’08

No matter how many times I go to Haiti something always manages to stop me short and send my heart to the middle of my throat. My January trip was no exception. Read More

Appeal Letter December ’07

One of the observations that volunteers frequently make is that the Haitian people seem so happy despite having little material assets. Most don't have the simple comforts of running water and electricity, yet there... Read More
The CRUDEM Foundation

From CRUDEM board member, Charles Dubuque

From CRUDEM board member, Charles Dubuque:

What an amazing day!
Many of you know that I am not usually at a loss for words…well, try
sitting at a press conference that is hosted... Read More

JON M. FLETCHERThe Times-Union John Lovejoy Jr., a doctor (left), led the team, which included David Balanky, support staff, who said their goodbyes to fellow volunteers Saturday after spending a week aiding quake victims and others in Milot, Haiti.

Jacksonville Dr. has volunteered in Haiti for 30 years

When you walk in the door of one of the residences on the CRUDEM Foundation grounds, there is a framed photo of a doctor with a Haitian girl. Read More
Nurse Sandy Roberts accompanies children on the flight to Massachusetts from Haiti, which was underwritten by Western Massachusetts philanthropists Michael and Lisa Kittredge

Flight donors come forward

Hoping to inspire others to lend a hand, two donors and two aviation companies from Western Massachusetts confirmed their role today in flights that ferried Haitian children to medical care in Massachusetts and medical... Read More