Valentine's party at hospital

Even in the most trying circumstances…the spirit of the Haitians comes through.

Here’s a nice update from CRUDEM Board Member, Dr. Bill Guyol in Milot, Haiti.

Hi Peter,

Here’s a good update for you:

At 5 PM yesterday an announcement came over the radio that there would
be a Valentine’s Day party in the pediatric ward. Patients, Haitian
staff, volunteers, even our cook Fifi arrived to participate.
Valentines were distributed to all of the children. All cards were
hand-made by grade-schoolers in the US and carried to Haiti by our team.
Every child received a personalized card and a bit of candy. As you can
see from the pictures, it became a joyous occasion. Soon the children
assembled at one end of the ward to serenade us, followed by a number of
spectacular solo performances. The singing and dancing went on for an
hour. Everyone’s spirits were was lifted by the children’s joy. It was
a good start for the week.
