Offered by Msgr. John Shamleffer
Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Clayton, Missouri
Dear Lord, the words of Proverbs remind us that your word is life and grace for all your children. You have fashioned us in your image and blessed our lives with your loving care.
Your word, Jesus Christ, bore all our ills, and he carried our sorrows.
Thank you for the gift of my life, for gift of health, and the gift of healers, especially those at Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Strengthen all those doctors, nurses and all health care workers, in body and soul that they may give comfort and healing to all who come to them.
Grant healing in body and spirit, let the warmth of your healing presence envelope their bodies and bring comfort to the ill. We ask this in faithful confidence, that you hear all our prayers and through your son Christ our Lord. Amen!