Lord, we ask your loving presence upon all who minister at CRUDEM, and upon all who support this ministry to the sick.
Bless them and fill them with new hope and strength: Lord, have mercy.
Relieve their pain: Lord, have mercy.
Free them from sin and do not let them give way to temptation:
Lord, have mercy,
Sustain all the sick with your power: Lord, have mercy.
Assist all who care for the sick:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus,
Who went about doing good and healing all, we ask You to bless Your friends who are sick.
Give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience with pain.
Let them recover their health, so that, restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your name, for You live and reign forever and ever.
Offered by Monsignor Vernon Gardin, Pastor, Immacolata Parish, St. Louis