The death toll in the three months since the cholera outbreak was confirmed in Haiti on October 21, 2010 was more than 3,800, a number that has continued to grow weekly. More than 190,000 others have been infected in all of the country’s 10 districts, and cases have been confirmed in the neighboring Dominican Republic. The rapid death and transmissability associated with cholera make health-related training and compliance with recommendations critical to treating and preventing the spread of cholera in Haiti.
In doing so, being aware of some key facts can make a difference in understanding and controlling the disease:
• Cholera is not ordinary diarrhea and can be very severe.
• Death can come very quickly.
• Early medical care saves lives.
• Oral rehydration solution is key to cholera treatment.
• Adding chlorine to drinking water and cooking water can prevent cholera.
Cholera is living testimony to the consequences of poor sanitation. The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) is concerned that cholera may last for years because of the poor sanitary conditions in various districts. This will make training and community outreach on the most effective ways to treat the disease and prevent its spread priorities of ever-growing importance in cholera containment efforts.
Download the full guide: Haiti Cholera Training Manual: A Full Course for Healthcare Providers