Partially blind, elderly Lesita suffers from a chronic condition that leaves her unable to stand and forces her to walk on her knees. In addition, Lesita watched her ramshackle home wash away during the recent storms.
At Hôpital Sacré Coeur, we know the extreme conditions our neighbors face every day. The day to day lives of the 250,000 people we serve in the north of Haiti matter deeply to us.
That is why we do not limit our concern to just the symptoms presented in the treatment rooms. We care about the whole person and the quality of their lives.
Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s astonishing success and future hope derives from our engagement in a shared venture with the Haitian people to increase their accessibility to quality healthcare. In the process, we have worked with the Haitian people to increase not just the standard of their living, but to open the way for their own self-empowerment.
Thanks to a very generous donor, Lesita will have a new house in time for Christmas. Built through the Hôpital Sacré Coeur Outreach Program led by Sister Ann, Lesita’s new home is on a flat piece of land. No more climbing over sharp rocks. Lesita will enjoy the dignity, safety and health benefits of a sturdy home of her own.
During this advent season, we count our blessings. Daily, we see:
• Once hopeless people given the promise of a fresh chance at life.
• A newborn resuscitated instead of left for dead.
• A man who can now see clearly without the hardened cataracts he endured for years.
• A woman for whom diabetes is not an imminent death sentence.
• A child whose broken leg will not result in a lifetime spent as a cripple.
There are now a lot of healthier and more hope-filled people in the north of Haiti, because we care and are good at what we do.
In this Christmas season of hope, celebration, rejoicing and charity, please remember Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Our passion to improve lives is great, but we can only accomplish as much as your financial support allows.
Please donate today. The moment you take to make a financial gift can result in a lifetime of relief for many Haitians.
P.S. The hospital stays open only with your generous support. Send your tax-deductible donation by Dec. 31st. Remember: 100% of your donation goes directly to patient care programs.