Meet Kyleen of Milot, Haiti

_MG_2511Recently we have built a little house for Kyleen, an orphan girl of eighteen years, who is paralyzed and was living in a shack of a hut with the rain pouring in on her.

Kyleen is now very happy living in dignity in her new home and never ceases to praise and thank God every day for all those who have helped her.

_I6A9024“Kyleen is her name”, said Sister Ann Crawley. “She said she’d got fever two years previously and she never could walk again.”

Kyleen lives 2 miles outside of the city of Milot, Haiti. She is one of Sister Ann’s regular stops to check on, visit, and bring food. “She had nobody who belonged to her. She had no parents. She said she’d nobody to help her” Sr. Ann explained. “I go around seeking those who are very very vulnerable and don’t have anyone to care for them. There are many people like that here in Haiti.”

Video courtesy of Holy Name Medical Center.