
Trust. Respect. Resilience. Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s Seeds of Ongoing Success and Fruitful Possibilities

When people reflect upon Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s 56 years of caring for Milot, the first question that often arises is, “How have you managed to stay that long?” When people reflect on the country’s current challenges,... Read More

Expanding the Concept of Comprehensive Healthcare

When patients present at a U.S. hospital, medical personnel rightly assume they have access to clean water, adequate nutrition, safe housing, educational opportunities, and access to social services for life challenges and disasters. Read More

Through the Eyes of a Haitian Child…

Like children everywhere, growing up in Haiti is an exercise in discovery: new abilities, experiences, and relationships. Eckhart Tolle would applaud a child’s immersion in the “Now.” Laughter, energetic movement, squeals of delight, and sometimes falling tears mark... Read More

A Year of Profound Grace for Hôpital Sacré Coeur

While 2022 had the potential to be annus horibilis, at the final tally, 2022 emerged as annus mirabilis. 2022 was a year of wonders and miracles, powered by the heartfelt prayers and generous donations of the... Read More

In 2022, no one should still die from cholera, but in Haiti the cholera death toll continues to climb.

After more than 3 years with no cases of cholera reported in Haiti, on 2 October 2022, the Ministry of Health reported two confirmed cases of Vibrio cholerae O1 in the greater Port-au-Prince area. Read More

We are concerned …For the children.

We are concerned …

For the children. For the elderly. For the disabled. For the medically compromised. Haiti is going through historically tough times — violent political upheaval, soaring inflation, lack of fuel, acute... Read More

Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s Amazing Staff

Hôpital Sacré Coeur continually defies the odds and makes noteworthy progress no matter the economic or social climate. One area of profound progress involves Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s staff. Several recent medical volunteers recounted their... Read More

Thank you!! Institute for Technology in Health Care

The patients and staff of Hôpital Sacré Coeur are deeply grateful to the Institute for Technology in Health Care for their generous 2021 grant of $56,616.00 to fund the completion of Phase 1 of... Read More

Cryptocurrency Donations Now Accepted!

We are pleased to announce that cryptocurrency donations are now accepted. As you may know, more and more of the financial markets incorporate cryptocurrency as an option for transactional payments. Currently the US has... Read More

A Country in Crisis… A Hospital Culture of Resilience

While Haiti spins as a country in crisis, Hôpital Sacré Coeur stands solidly as an institution of resilience and a port of hope and stability for patients and communities in the Milot region. The... Read More