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Donor Spotlight: Bill and Keena McGuinness of Huntington, New York

The year I finished college, the last of eight siblings, my father, an obstetrician retired. He had finished his parental duties and he and my mother decided to spend their time as medical volunteers. Read More

Context. Context. Context.

Everything in this world must be viewed in a context, especially those situations that affect our daily lives. We often struggle to meet our personal obligations like, car or mortgage payments, making time to... Read More

A Prayer for CRUDEM & Hôpital Sacré Coeur

A prayer for CRUDEM offered by Rev. Francis J. Manning Read More

Progress in Milot

Once upon a time, long ago, there were a series of potholes interrupted by a road which lead from Cap-Haïtien to Hôpital Sacré Coeur in the historic town of Milot. Read More

Fill Up!

The Toyota Landcruiser transports nurses and community aid workers to remote regions served by our hospital. Read More

The HSC Fleet

For nearly 60% of our staff, the only way to get to hospital is by way of tap taps, small pickup trucks operated by local Haitians which are often overloaded with more than 16... Read More

You are the hero in each of these stories.

Every time I set foot in Milot I am amazed at all the achievements evident at Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Read More

Diphtheria Comes to Hôpital Sacré Coeur

On February 25th, two little girls were seen in Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s Emergency Department complaining of upper respiratory tract symptoms, including severe sore throat and swelling of the neck. Read More

Five years later, still feeling aftershocks from the earthquake

It has been five years since I tagged along with some doctors, nurses and physical therapists on a trip to Haiti after the earthquake. Read More

TV Broadcast: CRUDEM Pres. Mike Maron discusses “Water Crisis in Haiti”

This special edition of “Caucus: New Jersey” focuses on regional efforts aimed at improving access to sustainable water and sanitation services for the citizens of Haiti. Read More