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Amazing YOU!

When I think about all you and CRUDEM have accomplished this year at Hôpital Sacré Coeur, I am truly amazed. What a significant difference you have made! Read More

We’re Singing Your Praises!

Since 1986, Hôpital Sacré Coeur has served the 250,000 people in the Milot region with dedication, skill, and love. Read More

Diabetic Challenges at Hôpital Sacré Coeur — Tufts In Haiti 2014

These clinic days are exciting and important days for Marie — she not only receives her monthly supply of insulin and other essential supplies, but she is also able to talk with other kids... Read More

In the Bear’s Jaws: My Heart Attack in Milot

Even though I work with doctors every day, I didn’t seem to recognize the danger signs of a heart attack, the sweating, radiating pain in the arm and jaw, the heaviness and dull aching... Read More

A Generous In-Kind Donation from Hobart Corporation/ITW Food Equipment Group

Thanks to Mr. O’Herlihy, Mr. Aguado, Ms. Rodríguez and everyone at Hobart Corporation for their unconditional support for Hôpital Sacré Coeur. They have made a big difference in the life of our hospital. Read More

Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccine for All Hôpital Sacré Coeur Employees

Tetanus is a deadly bacterial disease that strikes the central nervous system, causing muscle contractions particularly of the jaw and neck muscles. Read More

From Wenatchee to Milot

Milot is a special place for me. In mid-April I was fortunate enough to travel with a team of eight to Hôpital Sacré Coeur for another two-week visit to help provide services to northern... Read More

Culture Change: Me … We

Each year, when I return from Hôpital Sacré Coeur (HSC), I face the same daunting task: how to describe and explain Haiti to those who are curious, but not lucky enough, to experience this... Read More

Letter from the CEO

While Hôpital Sacré Coeur has always had an able, dedicated medical staff, the caliber of medicine practiced at the hospital has never been higher than it is today. Read More


Read the full issue online here: Fall 2014 – Bon Nouvèl, Hôpital Sacré Coeur News Read More