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Terms of Service

Terms of Use Agreement

Read This Terms of Use Agreement Before Accessing Website.

Effective Date: This Terms of Use Agreement was last updated on June 17, 2009.

This Terms of Use Agreement sets forth the standards of... Read More

Tax 501 C 3

Non-Profit Status & Tax ID Info

The CRUDEM Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations for which you did not receive goods or services are tax deductible. All donations are acknowledged with a... Read More

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in Haiti Health Promise of Holy Name (Founded as The CRUDEM Foundation) and Hôpital Sacré Coeur!

Haiti Health Promise of Holy Name 

(Founded as The CRUDEM Foundation, Inc.)

PO Box 804
Ludlow,... Read More

Medical Education

CRUDEM remains committed to improving the quality of healthcare in Haiti through ongoing medical education.

The Medical Education Committee was formed in late 2010 to oversee the creation of a... Read More

You Can Help

There are many ways you can get involved, whether it is through donating, volunteering, or simply sharing information about us with your friends and family. Take a look below to learn more about the... Read More

Who We Are

Haiti Health Promise of Holy Name/ Hôpital Sacré Coeur


Hôpital Sacré Coeur is the largest private (i.e., non-government) hospital and public health provider for the 250,000 people living in the Milot... Read More

Advent Appeal – December, 2013

On a recent trip to Haiti, I was having a discussion with one of our employees at Hôpital Sacré Coeur. In the course of the conversation he referred to Hôpital Sacré Coeur as “my... Read More

Milot, Haiti is a Piece of Paradise

"I would describe Milot as a piece of Paradise", Dr. Previl says. "Or even as a pearl that needs to be discovered". Milot is a beautiful small town in Northern Haiti, but the people... Read More

Fall 2013 – Bon Nouvèl, Hôpital Sacré Coeur News

Read the Fall 2013 issue of Bon Nouvèl, Hôpital Sacré Coeur News, online here! Read More

Hôpital Sacré Coeur Letter from the CEO – Fall, 2013

More than twenty-five years ago, The CRUDEM Foundation accepted from the Brothers of the Sacred Heart financial responsibility for the 11 in-patient beds and basic outpatient clinics that made up Hôpital Sacré Coeur. Read More