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BLS (Basic Life Support) Training Saves Lives

Since November 2012, Hôpital Sacré Coeur has continued to save lives by adding up to date BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) protocols to its roster of patient care. Read More

Dr. Jacques Julmice

In the gallery of the great personalities that have marked the history of Sacred Heart Hospital in Milot, another name has been added: Dr. Jacques Julmice. Read More

Prosthetic Lab Update

Haiti continues to be a challenge, with hurricanes, mudslides and cholera. But due to all of your support, the prosthetic lab remains a shining star in a dark sky. Read More

Letter from the CEO: Beyond and Above the Hospital Walls . . .

In Haiti social and economical disparities are really prominent. Forty nine percent of all Haitian households live in extreme poverty, on the equivalence of one US dollar a day. Read More

Public Health Outreach in Milot: Face to Face

The public health statistics of Haiti speak of daunting challenges and motivate the global medical community in their search for systemic solutions. Read More

Bat Tenèb: Beating Back the Darkness

Women’s voices command attention as they urge for social, medical and economic policies which include the particularities of women’s lives. While in Haiti, the woman’s story plays out like a reset to the 1800s. Read More

Letter from the Chairman – Spring, 2013

Years ago, when the Brothers of the Sacred Heart who had founded CRUDEM finally withdrew from Milot, I managed to stay in touch with Brother Norbert Synal. Brother Norbert relocated to the Port au... Read More

Spring 2013 – Bon Nouvèl, Hôpital Sacré Coeur News

Read the Spring 2013 issue of Bon Nouvèl, Hôpital Sacré Coeur News, online here! Read More

5-2-13 Benefit Dinner for HSC

A Special Invitation For You From the Knights of Columbus of North Miami. Join us for A Special Benefit Dinner for Hôpital Sacré Coeur, Milot, Haiti. “Creating a Healthier Haiti – One Dignified Life... Read More

A Season of Hope

Last year, Lent was a bleak season for Hôpital Sacré Coeur. We all prayed for the coming of Easter in a particular way; news of a better future for the hospital. Last spring, the... Read More