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Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 9th 2013 marked the feast of the Immaculate Conception, one of the biggest holidays in Haiti. Read More

Induction of the Milot Crew

Michael Maron, CRUDEM President & Holy Name Medical Center CEO & President, surprised and delighted local vendors with gifts of custom made T-shirts, during his recent trip. Read More

On the Move!

Young Milot girls ready themselves with giggles and smiles as they set out to conquer the world via tap tap. Read More

Safe under a Mother’s Protective Gaze

A mother enjoys a moment of quiet reflection and rest with her twins while sitting in the Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s Our Lady of Children Garden. Read More

A Prayer for CRUDEM

A Prayer for CRUDEM, Offered by Etienne Picasse Read More

Right Now.

Right now, some child walks the fine, treacherous line between having a parent and becoming an orphan. Their mother or father harbors a silent, deadly disease; a runaway infection, or an improperly tended injury.... Read More

A Morning Reflection

Every day, there is an older man who rakes the leaves at Hôpital Sacré Coeur, in the courtyard outside my small room at the compound where I spend nine months of the year. His... Read More

Donor Spotlight: Dr. Tim and Cindy McCall from Cazenovia, New York

When I volunteered as an anesthesiologist at Hôpital Sacré Coeur, on short notice after the 2010 earthquake, I had no idea that the experience would have such a profound effect on me, and lead... Read More

Our Wonderful Volunteers!

After giving up their time with their families, paying for their flights and lodging and putting in 10 hours a day or more at the hospital, our wonderful volunteers still find the energy to... Read More

It All Started With A Dinner Party

Every time he returned home, Dad came home with an energy and a passion that was tangible. But he also came home with stories that made you realize what a challenge they were up... Read More