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The CRUDEM Foundation

Thinking Globally – More Than a Partnership-New Business Model in Haiti, Too

An extraordinary scenario is unfolding in the mountains of northern Haiti. It's not your classic medical miracle, but, then again, it's all that and more. Read More

Meet Kyleen of Milot, Haiti

Recently we have built a little house for Kyleen, an orphan girl of eighteen years, who is paralyzed and was living in a shack of a hut with the rain pouring in on her. Read More

Impact Trip Sows Spiritual Seeds for a Lifetime

It seems that fate, or perhaps divine intervention, brought me to Milot. I wanted to do something to give back, but I didn’t know what, and then I attended two luncheons just a few... Read More

A Prayer for CRUDEM

A Prayer for CRUDEM, offered by Fr. Paul Sullivan, a priest at St. Mary’s Parish in Dedham, MA Read More

Haiti: A Brief History

The account of the Haitian people is a narrative of spirit, strength, triumph, apathy, and resignation. In its early history, Haiti was a flourishing island and was one of the richest colonies in... Read More

An Evening in Milot

This year, the town was selected from all of the other communities in Haiti to key note the celebrations. And as such, a bevy of police in polished boots and gold braided cords draped... Read More

Music in Haiti

Hip Hop songs blast from passing cars, spiritual hymns echo from churches, harmonic choruses ring from the vocal chords of Haitians tending to laundry, and melodies of all kinds are recited by joyful dancing... Read More

Working Tools

From the beginning, I wanted to create solid infrastructure and worthy facilities from which the thousands of international volunteers and local Haitian staff can perform their enduring miracles and petite triumphs against a daily... Read More

Spring 2013: Construction Update

Work is almost complete on the construction of the new Duplex on the CRUDEM campus adjacent to the convent. Read More

Update: Hôpital Sacré Coeur Loses Cholera Funding

Just in time for the rainy season, funding to support Hôpital Sacré Coeur’s cholera ward has ended. Read More